Everything that is IIT Rajasthan

Hero or Villain…?

The following article is the stood the 2nd runners up in the Finish-It event of Spandan 2011

Divya Grover,
First year, IIT Rajasthan.

I guess destiny is not the path given to us, but the path we choose for ourselves.

That’s from where our heroes and villains are born but here’s the real question are we too hard boiled on our philosophy of “should he be a good person”? Shouldn’t they be better off with work that suits them best?

An ideal villain may be bad but even he should be perfectly good at it.

He goes to jail, loses the girl of his dreams and gets his butt kicked pretty good.

But he doesn’t go low on the confidence, does he?

The hero may win some battles, but the villain would ALMOST win others.

In our story the villain was forced to be good in the absence of any new leads for a hero and in the face of a danger to his world! Yes he does have a soft corner!!

When he finally got good…

“So you are a kind of super hero?”

“I’m -not very sure, “he said, “I’m not sure if I can save anyone.”

He is good when he is good but he was better when he was bad!

All in all what I am trying to point is the need for a change in our philosophy. We must judge people on what they’re good at and not on some set of virtues imposed on us by some thousand year old books.

Besides angels,demons,good,evil are two sides of a coin; its all relative. One word reinforcing my point is “ambitious”. Society encourages guys with high ambitions and achievements. All of us are hailed for thinking and achieving high. But if one is too hard about it he’ll be quoted as “ The Ambitious One” or “The One Who’s Never Satisfied” and be ridiculed about it.

Personally I fell that society should give more credit to one’s skills and dexterity.

Comments on: "Hero or Villain…?" (1)

  1. lol we too saw megamind 😛

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